The Beauty of Horses

By Sage

There are many beautiful horses, but there are some that are the most beautiful in the world. Those include the Akhal-Teke Horse, The Canadian Horse, and the Cleveland Bay Horse. Remember, every horse is beautiful, but these horses are considered the prettiest breeds in the world.

The Akhal-Teke Horse is one of the most glamorous extraordinary horse breeds in the world. Its metallic shine sparkles in the sun’s gaze. The horses colors are bronze, gold, and a metallic shiny silvery white. It basically looks albino in the glare of the sun’s gaze. This horse is becoming very rare. It is the second rarest in the whole WORLD!  This is why the Akhal-Teke is one of the most beautiful horses in the world.

The Canadian Horse is also considered one of the most eye-catching horses in the world. This horse breed is the national breed of Canada. That’s why its name is “The Canadian Horse.” Its dark brown, almost black fur gives them a shine. Aside from its beauty, this horse also is the most rare in the world; there are only 6,000 of them left world wide. (that is a super low number considering that there are approximately 8 BILLION people in the world). Scientists and horse breeders hope to revive and repopulate a lot more of these horses. 

Last but not least, the Cleveland Bay horse. This horse is the oldest living horse breed in England. The Cleveland Bay is so old it dates back to before records even began. Originally called the Chaomen horse, the current name comes from the breedś popularity in Cleveland. These horses were intentionally used for carrying goods, because of their strength and being muscular they would and still are used to pull carriages, this was set by Queen Elizabeth I. Unfortunately this breed of horse is endangered, because of this there are less than 300 in the UK. But people are trying to repopulate this breed. 

In conclusion all horses are beautiful but these are considered the most. I hope you consider researching this topic. It is very interesting. These are the most beautiful horses.

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